50 km/hr
The hours would take to travel 1763 miles depends on the velocity you are traveling. If you were traveling at 60 miles per hour on average, like you would in a car: 1763/60 = 29.383333 So it would take about 29.4 hours. If you were traveling in a plane at about 300 miles per hour then: 1763/300 = 5.87666667 So it would take about 5.9 hours.
300 percent would not be expressed as a mixed number - 300 percent would be expressed as 3.
V = d/t is the formula for velocity. It translates to "Velocity equals distance divided by time". So let's say a car is traveling 300 miles and has been driving for 10 minutes. What's it's velocity in seconds. Distance: 300 mi Time: 10 minutes V = 300 ÷ 10 = 30 30 ÷ 60 = .5 mi/s. V = 0.5 mi/s
Momentum is mass multiplied by velocity. The momentum of the two ships would be 300 x 2 = 600 kgm/s and 300 x 1 = 300 kgm/s. So the combined momentum of the two ships would be 900 kgm/s.
im not sure what the distance would be but i do know that it would be shorter, it is harder to throw a softball then it is to throw a baseball Disregard the fact that this person answered your question. The correct answer is the same distance as a baseball.
The acceleration of the projectile can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. In this case, the change in velocity is 300 m/s (final velocity) - 0 m/s (initial velocity) = 300 m/s. The time taken is 0.5 seconds. Therefore, the acceleration would be 300 m/s / 0.5 s = 600 m/sĀ².
Ted can throw 400ft Johnny can throw 300ft Billy can throw 280ft (70% of 400ft and 20ft less than Johnny)
"The velocity of the bullet was 300 metres per second."
The average velocity of the plane is 150 km/h eastward because velocity is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken, which in this case would be 300 km / 2.0 hours.
The momentum of the car is 300 kg m/s. We can find the velocity by dividing the momentum by the mass of the car: velocity = momentum / mass. Therefore, velocity = 300 kg m/s / 2000 kg = 0.15 m/s.
All paintball markers are chronographed to the same velocity of around 290-300 FPS.
300 GPM
If the penny is in a vaccum, the penny has no terminal velocity because verminal velocity is when the resistance against the falling penny is equal to the force of gravity. So if it is in a vaccum, it has no forces resisting the fall, and it has no terminal velocity.
The last MLB pitcher to throw 300+ innings in a season was Steve Carlton of the Philadelphia Phillies who threw 304 innings in 1980.