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I think no because a cube is a perfect 3D square and if you cut it it becomes a rectangle type thing

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Q: If you cut a a cube in half does it still stay a cube?
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If a wooden cube is cut in half and painte red what would this be?

It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.

If you cut a cube in half will the combined volume of the 2 halves be more less or the same?

The combined volume of the two halves of a cube will remain the same. Each half will have half of the original volume, so when you combine them, you get back the original volume of the cube.

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It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.

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The shape you will get if you cut a cuboid in half is a cube.

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You ether cut it in half or fourths or eighths(do you get the idea?)

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cut it in half

What solid figure would you get if you cut a cube in half?

Depends where you make the cut Across the planes it is a CUBOID Across the corners it is PYRAMID .

You cut a snake in half and cant find the half with the head still attached will it still live?

No. If you cut a snake in half you will sever vital organs and major blood vessels.

What is a sectional drawing?

One which shows a cross-section of the object it represents, i.e. as if that object had been cut across. . For example, if you have a steel cube with a hole drilled across it from the centre of one face to the centre of that opposite, you would not see the hole if you view the cube from another side. If however you were to saw the cube in half across the diameter of the hole, each half-cube would have a semi-circular channel across the cut face. A sectional drawing would represent that cut face, with the half-hole depicted as two parallel lines.

Which of the following cannot be classified as a substance air table salt gold nitrogen?

Table The others can be subdivided and still be what they are: half of the air is still air, half the salt is still salt, half the gold is still gold, half the nitrogen is still nitrogen - but if you cut the table in half you no longer have a table.

If a pizza is cut into quarters how many are there?

The whole pizza is still there. You just cut it in half.