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The ball which you drop from 5 feet will reach the ground first.

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Q: If you drop a ball from 10 feet and 5 feet which will reach the ground first?
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Both will reach the ground at the same time if they were dropped at the same time in a vacuum. This is a well proven fact that the mass has no effect on the acceleration of an object in a free fall in a vacuum.

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Whichever you drop first will fall first and hit the ground first.If you drop them at exactly the same time from the sameplace, they fall together and hit the ground together.

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Both the crumpled paper ball and the rectangular shape paper would reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height in a vacuum. This is because in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate due to gravity.

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When you drop a ball, the action force on the ball is the force of gravity pulling the ball towards the ground.

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It depends on what height you drop it from.

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Matters how high you drop it from.

Is the ball fair or foul if it is a line drive and you are in fair territory but reach in foul territory to catch it and touch the ball?

Once the ball is past first or third base, the ONLY consideration is where the BALL is located -- fair or foul -- when it FIRST comes in contact with either the ground or a player. If the player is almost entirely in fair territory when he first grabs the ball, but the glove that touches the ball is in foul territory, then it's a foul ball. "If the ball touches a fielder in-flight, the judgment is made at where the ball was when it was touched, NOT from where it may land after a miss, or drop of the ball, by a fielder. The position of the fielder is irrelevant."

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You drop it once, if it comes to rest on the path, you drop it again, on the second drop if it comes to rest on the path you place it where the ball touched the grass first on the second drop.

Which ball will bounce first a bouncy ball or a golf ball?

A bouncy ball will bounce first because it is designed to have high elasticity and bounce easily upon impact. Golf balls are designed to have less bounce and tend to roll more on impact with the ground.