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Q: If you enter a number into a calculator and then press the log x key the calculator will display the?
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If you enter a number into a calculator nad then press the log x key what does the calculator display?

It displays the power to which '10' would have to be raised in order to get the number you entered. That's the definition of the 'logarithm' or 'log' of a number. Examples: Enter 100. Hit 'log x'. Display '2', because 102 = 100. Enter 1000. Hit 'log x'. Display '3', because 103 = 1000. Enter 2. Hit 'log x'. Display '0.30103', because 100.30103 = 2. Enter 0.1. Hit 'log x'. Display ' -1 ', because 10-1= (1/101) = 0.1

How do you write negative numbers on a calculator?

Enter the number, then press the button marked with +/-

When using a calculator to find the square root of a number what is the correct sequnce of steps?

Depending on the calculator, it can be : sqrt(number) = answer, or number, press sqrt, answer. examples : sqrt(49) press enter = 7 or put 49, press sqrt, answer is shown as 7.

What is the logarithm of the number 0.0009358?

-3.02881695914383, or about -3.0288. On your scientific calculator, press the LOG key, put in the number, and hit ENTER.

Write 3 test cases for testing a pocket calculator?

TC1: Does the calculator turn on when teh on button is pressed TC2: Does itdisplay the number on teh screen that was pressed TC3: If we enter 2 and then the plus symbol "+" and then enter 2 again,then does it display the answer "4" or not. TC4: Same way for all the buttons like *,/,-,%, square roots and all TC5: When we press the clear button then is the screen display reduced to "0" or not

How do you set the time on a casio QA300 calculator?

To set the time on a Casio QA300 calculator, locate the "Mode" button and press it until you reach the "Time" mode. Use the numerical keypad to input the current time (hours and minutes). Press the "Set" or "Time Set" button to confirm the time.

When using a calculator to find the square root of a number which what is the correct sequence of steps?

D. enter the number; press the square root key

What consists of text that you type until you press the ENTER key?

Formulas display as text while you are entering them in a cell. They display a calculated value after you press the ENTER key. For example, you can type =8+2 in a cell and when you press ENTER, the cell will display the value 10.

How do you type cube root symbol?

If you have a calculator, you should... 1. type the number you are trying to cube 2. press a button that looks like this ^ 3. press 3 and then enter. If you mean the other one... 1. Get a TI-84 calculator 2. turn it on 3. press 2nd 4. press 0 5. press 3 6. look for something that looks like... ____ 3\/( 7. press enter. 8. type the number you want in the parenthesis 9. close the parenthesis 10. press enter.

How do you find the LCM with a scientific calculator?

to disable the drives go to run and type regedit and press enter after press enter

How do you find the cube root of a number on a texas instrument-30xa calculator?

Enter the number, press ^ and enter 1/3 i.e. the cube root of 27 would be 27^(1/3)

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