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Q: If you had 100 gram of lawrencium how much would it remain in 40 days?
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How much would still remain in 30 minutes if you had a 5 - grm sample of lawrencium?

Lawrencium has a half-life of about 215 minutes. After 30 minutes, about 85% of the original sample would remain. Therefore, approximately 4.25 grams of lawrencium would still be present in a 5-gram sample after 30 minutes.

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Gram neg cells would remain clear

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After 76 seconds, half of the radium-222 would have decayed (its half-life is about 3.8 days). Therefore, the quantity of radium-222 remaining in the 12-gram sample would be 6 grams.

How much does lawrencium cost in grams?

The cost of lawrencium is not readily available as it is a synthetic element that is produced in very small quantities and primarily used for research purposes. It is not typically sold in gram quantities due to its scarcity and high cost of production.

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One gram of mineral oil has a weight of one gram, as weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. The weight would remain the same regardless of the substance.

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After 90 years, about 0.5 mg of cesium-137 would remain since cesium-137 has a half-life of about 30 years. This means that half of the initial amount would have decayed in 30 years and another half in the next 30 years, leaving around 0.5 mg after 90 years.

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12.5 g

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a gram

What total mass of a 16 gram sample of 60co will remain unchanged after 15.8 years?

After 15.8 years, half of the original sample of 60Co would have decayed. This means that 8 grams of the original 16 gram sample will remain unchanged after that time period.

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Eight days would be four half-lives. One-half to the fourth power is one-sixteenth. So you would have half a gram left.

List the steps of the gram-staining procedure in order and fill in the color of gram-positive cells and gram-negtive cells after each step?

Apply crystal violet stain - Both gram-positive and gram-negative cells appear purple. Add iodine solution - Both gram-positive and gram-negative cells still appear purple. Rinse with alcohol/acetone - Gram-positive cells remain purple, while gram-negative cells lose the purple color. Counterstain with safranin - Gram-positive cells remain purple, gram-negative cells appear pink/red.

What is the difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria?

The presence of thick cell wall. Gram positives have a thick cell wall and remain blue. Gram negatives have a thin cell wall where the blue stain washes out and then will stain pink with the counter stain.