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Q: If you had 3 apples and you gave a friend 2 how many teeth would a stork have?
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What is the plural of stork?

Storks is the plural of stork, although collectively you would use stork.

Are apples good for your teeth?

doesn't matter as long as u wash your teeth

What would George Washington's friend say about him?

weird teeth

What happen to your teeth if you put in soda?

my friend it would desolve in 72 hours

Where did the story about a stork delivering a baby start?

The story about the stork delivering a baby can be found in many different cultures back in history. The image of the stork often represents fertility and mothers in Europe and North America would tell their children the stork would bring newborn babies.

You are texting your friend online. She asks you if you like apples or bananas. How would your friend say this in Spanish?

¿te gustan las manzanas o los plátanos?

If you had 7563 apples and you needed 4000000 apples how many more apple would you need :)?

Well you would need 3,992,437 more apples. But what would you do with that many apples anyways!?

Where would you find a white stork in December?

White stork's nest quite nearby to each other. You will genrally see their nests in gardens or quiet woods. If you see one stork you will be bound to see a lot more close by.

If you noticed a friend had clenched teeth but was conscious which airway management technique would you use?

Nasopharyngeal-Airway Technique

If you noticed that your friend had clenched teeth but was conscious which airway-management technique would you have performed?

Nasopharyngeal-Airway Technique

What is that bird out of Dumbo called that drops the babies to their mothers?

That would be a Stork.

If I had 2 apples, and another 2 apples, and another 2 apples. How many would I have left?

I would have 7 apples because I have 1 apple in my house