Oh, dude, you would have some serious fruit balance issues! Like, technically, you would have 11 apples total, but I mean, who needs that many apples at once, right? Maybe consider sharing with a friend or something, unless you're planning an apple-themed feast, then go for it, I guess.
very big hands 11 realy
One apple, 3 apples take away 2 apples is one apple
Apples you start with:* 3 apples Apples you take away:* 2 apples Apples you are left with:* 3 apples If you have three apples, and if youand only you were to take away only 2 apples, then you would still have all three of the apples because you are the one that is doing the removing. As long as you don't eat, give, or throw them away, you still would be considered to have them since you are the taker.It's a trick question.Now if someone else were to take away the two of the apples, then in this case, you would be left with only one apple.(You is considered to be one specific person.)
Three apples minus two apples leaves one apple. 3-2=1
Each person would receive two whole apples and one third each.
LARGE hands.
very big hands 11 realy
The answer to this riddle is that you would have 11 apples in total. The riddle is designed to trick the listener into overthinking the scenario by focusing on the hands rather than the total number of apples. By simply adding the apples together, you would realize the correct answer is 11.
One apple, 3 apples take away 2 apples is one apple
1 x 0 = 0 or if you prefer it in say... apples or something "I am holding no apples in one hand, I don't have any apples"
no apples are not gassy because if they were gassy no one would eat them
12 one third apples would weigh 4 pounds.
Apples you start with:* 3 apples Apples you take away:* 2 apples Apples you are left with:* 3 apples If you have three apples, and if youand only you were to take away only 2 apples, then you would still have all three of the apples because you are the one that is doing the removing. As long as you don't eat, give, or throw them away, you still would be considered to have them since you are the taker.It's a trick question.Now if someone else were to take away the two of the apples, then in this case, you would be left with only one apple.(You is considered to be one specific person.)
Three apples minus two apples leaves one apple. 3-2=1