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Assuming you only had a single grade of 100, a second grade of 40 would give you an average of 70.

The grade corresponding to that would depend on what range of percentages corresponds to what grade.

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Q: If you have 100 and you get a 40 what is your grade now?
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What is your grade if you get 40 percent out of 100 percent?

40 (F)

Is 40 percent a bad grade?

Out of 100, yes.

What would your grade be if you got 13 questions wrong out of 40?

If by grade you mean percentage, you would have scored 67.5%. 40-13= 27 (27/40) * 100

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According to my grade calculator it is a D. If there are a 100 possible and you got 65 than means you missed 40% of the test.

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[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96

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100% of 40 is 40 Now, What is 10% of 40...... 4 OK then 1/2 of that is 5%. Now add the 2 together. 15 % = 15/100 15/100 x 40 = 60....Wrong Try again. 60 is bigger than 40 so it can't be right.

What is the pass mark out of 100 for Anna university?

Grade for markS in Anna university:RANGE OF MARKS LETTER GRADE GRADE POINT91-100 S 1081-90 A 971-80 B 861-70 C 757-60 D 650-56 E 5

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54 out of 100 acres, dude i am in grade five and i now that!

When taking a quiz of 15 questions what is your percentage if six answers are incorrect?

6 ÷ 15 = .4 .4 x 100 = 40% 40% is a failing grade.

What is a 40 out of 50 grade?

40 out of 50 is 80%. The grade which this represents will depend on grade boundaries which, in turn, will depend on the standardising procedure.

How does one culculate a grade when using a point system max is 20 points?

if you are looking for a grade that is out of 100, take the amount of points you got and divide by 20. then multiply by 100 for example if you got 17 out of 20 points 17/20=.85 multiply by 100 the grade is an 85% now on a 100 point scale