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dimes! there smaller so that means they would fit closer together which means the jar would have more mass. that means more silver, more silver means the more money its worth.

First, unless you have a pre 64 dime there isn't any silver in it

And second I wouldn't assume there is less void space with dimes.

For dimes to be more it isn't because of less void space but because you could fit more dimes in the same space.

I'd guess quarters but I really don't know.

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Q: If you have a jar of quarters and the same size jar of dimes which would contain the most money?
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What would equal more money a gallon jug of quarters or dimes?

its obvious, quarters

rajani finds some dimes and quarters in her change purse how much money in dollars does she have if she has 4 dimes and 5 quarters how much mondy in dollars does she have if she has x dimes and y quarters?

You would have $1.65 in money

How many dimes and quarters equal 3.35?

$3 would be 12 quarters, 35 cents would contain one quarter and one dime. So your answer would be 13 quarters and 1 dime.

What would add up 10.25 with quarters and dimes?

to many to count... 100 dimes 1 quarter. 41 quarters. 50 dimes 21 quarters

How many ways can you make ten dollars with quarters and dimes?

I believe there are 19 ways to make ten dollars with only quarters and dimes. Quarters have to be in increments of 2 so there would be 2 quarters and 95 dimes, 4 quarters and 90 dimes and so on til there are 38 quarters and 5 dimes.

Show two ways that quarters dimes and nickels would total to 27.75?

111 quarters, zero dimes, zero nickels 110 quarters, two dimes, one nickel 109 quarters, four dimes, two nickels

How much money wouldf you have with 5 dollars 3 quarters and 4 dimes?

You would have $5.85 in total.

Erica's job is to collect money from the pop machines from one machine she collects a total of 76 dimes and quarters if the total value is 13 how many dimes and quarters are there?

13 what- it could be 13$ then it would be a better question- we need moreinfo

What change would a restaurant cashier give someone for 1?

4 quarters or 3 quarters 2 dimes and 1 nickel or 2 quarters and 5 dimes or 2 quarters 4 dimes and 2 nickels or 3 quarters and 25 pennies or 3 quarters 2 dimes and 10 pennies or 100 pennies or The list can do on and on. Any combination of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that equal to a dollar. If you are speaking of the dollar.

Royce has 1.30 in dimes and quarters He has one-fourth as many quarters as dimes How many of each does he have?

He would have 2 quarters and 8 dimes. (2 x 0.25) + (8 x 0.10) = 0.50 + 0.80 = 1.30

A man has twenty coins consisting of dimes and quarters if the dimes were quarters and quarters were dimes hw would have ninety cents more then he has now how many dimes and quarters does he have?

The man has 13 dimes and 7 quarters, which equate to $3.05 $1.30 + $1.75 If he had 13 quarters and 7 dimes he would have $3.95 $3.25 + 70c The method used to work this out was dividing 90c by the difference between the value of a dime and a quarter- i.e. 15c . 90 / 15 = 6, so of 20 coins, 6 more were dimes than quarters. Subtract 6 from 20, then halve the result = 7 the lower number is 7, the higher number is 7+6, = 13. Please also note that 'Quarters' is spelled with 2 'r's

How much is 190 pounds of pennies nickels dimes and quarters worth?

It would all depend on the mix. If you had 180 pounds of pennies and the other 10 pounds were nickels, dimes and quarters that would be worth a lot LESS THAN if you had 180 pounds of quarters and the other 10 pounds were pennies, nickels and dimes.