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Prob(No sixes in 6 rolls) = [Prob(Not a six in a roll)]6 = (5/6)6 = 0.3349

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Q: If you have a six sided cube and numberd its and you rolled it 6 times. what is the probability of me not rolling any sixes?
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Well, if you put them back after you take them out, then 3=1/6 7=1/6 and

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It is 0.1962

What is the probability of rolling 5 on a six sided die if rolled 66 times?

It is 0.99999406 approx, or pretty nearly a certainty.

What is the probability of rolling a number that is divisible by two on a six sided die?

If the die is rolled often enough, the event is a certainty - probability = 1. For a single roll, the probability is 1/2.

What is the probability of rolling an even number if you rolled a six-sided die?

3 out of 6 or 1 out of 2 3/6 or 1/2

What is the probability that the number rolled will be greater that 4?

The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.The probability that the number rolled, on a fair, six sided die, will be greater than 4 is 1/3.

What is the probability of rolling a 9 if you have a 12 sided dice?

The probability of rolling a particular face in a 12 sided die is 1 in 12, or about 0.0833.

When two dice are rolled what is the probability of getting a sum of 14?

You can't get 14 with two regular six-sided dice ! The highest you can get with one throw is 12.

What is the probability of rolling a 9 when a number cube is rolled 4 times?

A number cube is a six sided figure so I'm going to go with 0%

When a six sided die is rolled then what is the probability that the number rolled will be five?

It is 1/6.