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The probability of rolling a particular face in a 12 sided die is 1 in 12, or about 0.0833.

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Q: What is the probability of rolling a 9 if you have a 12 sided dice?
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When two dice are rolled what is the probability of not getting a sum of 12?

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If the dice is 6 sided, the chances of rolling each number is about 17% (100/6) If the dice is 4 sided, the chances of rolling each number is 25% (100/4) Similarly, 8 sided = 12.5% 10 sided = 10% 12 sided ≈ 8% 20 sided = 5%

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You can't get 14 with two regular six-sided dice ! The highest you can get with one throw is 12.

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The probability of rolling a sum of 12 in a single roll of two dice is 1 in 36, or about 0.0278.

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With two normal six-sided dice, the maximum sum can only be 12 (6 x 2 dice), so there is zero probability of rolling a sum that adds to 16.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of ten with a single toss of two fair six-sided dice?

3/36 = 1/12 = 0.0833... or 8.33... %

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 15 on two fair dice?

Zero is the probability of rolling a sum of 15 on two fair dice; the maximum value is 12.

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2 out of 12

What is the probability of rolling Two dice with a sum of 12?

Rolling dice, there are 62 or 36 outcomes. There is only 1 way to get a 12; 6 & 6. Therefore, the probability is 1/36 or 0.0278.

What is the probability of rolling a 3 with a pair of dice?

On a standard pair of six-sided dice, there are two ways to roll a "3"; i.e., a "1" and a "2" or a "2" and a "1". There are 36 possible outcomes. Therefore, the probability of rolling exactly 3 is 2/36, which equals 1/18. The probability of rolling 3 or higher is 35/36. The probability of rolling 3 or lower is 3/36, which is 1/12.

What is the probablity of rolling the sum of 12 on 2 dice?

There are 36 outcomes for rolling 2 dice, and there is 1 way that a 12 can occur which is 6,6. So, the probability of rolling the sum of 12 on 2 dice is 1/36.