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Divide sale price by full price. Example: item is $30 but is on sale for $15. 15/30=50%, so the item is 50% off

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Q: If you know the regular price and the sale price how do you figure out the percent off?
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How can you determine the sale price if you are given the regular price and the percent of markdown?

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Convert the percent of increase into a decimal, multiply that by the original price and take that answer, and add it on to the original price. BAM. new price:)

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Let x equal the original price. Let's say the sale is 25 percent off. That means that 0.75x = the sale price. To find the original price, divide the sale price by the decimal equivalent of 100 minus the discount. Example: You bought an item for 48.00 that was marked as being 20 percent off the original price. The original price was 48.00 divided by 0.80 or 60.00

How do you find the percent of discount if you know the original price in the sale price?

Percentage discount = 100*(1 - sale price/original price)

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If only the total price was recoded and you do not know the tax rate, you cannot.

How would you find the price of a discounted item if you only know the percent of the discount?

You could not. You need to know the pre-discount price as well.

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The amount of tax divided by the percent of tax (expressed as a decimal) will equal the original price.

How much is 20 percent discount?

Multiply the price by 0.2 to get the amount of the discount. Multiply the price by 0.8 if you want to know the after sale price.

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in order to figure this out u would need to know the heigt of the child then to figure it out just calculate his BMI

How do you calculate cost price if we know the selling price and profit percent?

What I do is organize it as follows... Cost Price = 100% Selling Price = 100% + profit percent Then you can fill in the variables and cross multiply, for example if you know the selling price is $27 and the profit percent is 10% then you can fill it in accordingly... Cost Price = 100% $27 = 100 + 10 l l \/ Cost Price = 100% $27 = 110% Then you do ($27 x 100%) / 110 to get $24.55. That means that the Cost price is $24.55

How do you find the original price when you know the percent of increase?

Okay. If you have the percent increace, you cannot find the original price. BUT if you have the percent increace and the INCREACED PRICE than you take 100 and minus the percent increace and then divide adapted price by that number. than times THAT by 100. (EX. 75% INCREACE AND ENDING PRICE 15$) ( THAN 100-75=25 SO 15X25=375 THAN 375DIVIDEDBY100=3.75 3.75 ORIGINAL.

What is 15 percent off 299.00?

To solve a problem like this, you would first figure out how many percent is left for you to pay after 15% is taken out of the price. So, subtract 15% from 100%. 100-15=85%. Then you change the percentage you still have to pay to decimal form: 85% = .85 Then you multiply the decimal times the original price: .85 x 299.00 = (I'll let you do the math now that you know how)