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i don't know just guess if the teacher just stamps and sees that you did all the questions

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Q: If you know the rule for a table how can you add pairs of numbers to the table?
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How can you add pairs of numbers to the table?

To add pairs of numbers to a table, you would typically create two columns: one for the first number in each pair and another for the second number. Then, simply list the pairs in corresponding rows within these columns to populate the table with the data.

Would it be easier to find the rule for a function table with 3 pairs of numbers or 4 pairs of numbers?

If it's a linear function, 3 should do, but 4 will give an extra check on you work. If the function is quadratic exponential, etc. then at least 4 pairs should be used.

What does a function rule look like?

y = 2x + 3 is a function rule. This rule can also be written in several different ways:f(x) = 2x + 3 "f of x equals ...', or f: x -> 2x+3 "f maps x as ...".As a set of ordered pairs. Here is a set of pairs which satisfy our function, f: {(1,5), (2,7), (3, 9), (4, 11)}.A table of values, also known as a 'T chart'.A mapping diagram,, which has two oval shapes with numbers in them, and arrows joining the numbers in one oval to the numbers in the other oval.

What is the rule for finding a number in the second row of the table if you know the corresponding number in the first row?

The rule for finding a number in the second row of the table is not provided in the question.

How can you find a function rule from a table?

you see the difference between the two numbers rather it could be multiply, divide, subtract, or add and it could also be more than one rule the rule could be x+6*8 and it has to apply to the rest of the table

What is a rule for finding number pairs that add to 100?

One rule for finding number pairs that add to 100 is to start with one number and subtract it from 100 to find the other number. For example, if one number is 75, subtracting it from 100 gives 25, so the pair is (75, 25).

What numbers have the same rule as 131517and19?

I really don't know but it is 12,24,36,48

What are the factor pairs of NEGATIVE numbers?

The numbers are the same as positive numbers, just the signs change. Write out the factor pairs as if the number were positive, but make one of the numbers positive and one negative. Now write the same pairs over again and reverse the signs. Negative numbers have twice as many factor pairs as positive numbers do.

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The base pairing rule in DNA states that adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine pairs with guanine. This complementary base pairing allows for the formation of the double-stranded DNA molecule.

A table organizing the input rule output of a function?

a table organizing the input rule output of a function

What is the rule in adding rational numbers?

what is the rule in adding rational numbers

What does sequential patterns mean in math?

A sequence is an ordered set of numbers. There may be a rule governing the sequence such that, if you know the numbers in the sequence up to a particular point, the rule will allow you to deduce the value of the next number in the sequence. That rule - if it exists - is the sequential pattern.