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I believe it wold take over 3000 years

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Q: If you paid one dollar per second how long would it take to pay 11.5 trillion dollars?
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How much is 50 one trillion dollar notes?

If there were any one trillion dollar notes, then 50 of them would be worth 50 trillion dollars.

What is bigger than 999 trillion dollars?

1000 trillion dollars is bigger than 999 trillion dollars. 1,000 trillion is also called one quadrillion.

How much does one trillion dollars weigh?

A trillion dollars in one dollar bills would way about 1.1 million tons, or 2.2 billion pounds. If you were using 100 dollar bills it would way about 11 thousands tons

How much money would you have to spend every second to spend a trillion dollars?

You could spend a fraction of a penny every second and spend a trillion dollars over a very long time. However to spend a trillion dollars in a certain amount of time it's $(1000000000 / Months * 2678400) per second. So over 5 months it would be about $76.67 per second.

How high would a trillion dollars in one dollar bills be stacked?

A trillion dollars USD (1 x 10^12 dollars), in a stack with $233 to the inch, would reach a height of more than 67,000 miles (67,737 miles).

How long would it take you to repay a trillion dollars at the rate of 1000 dollars per second?

(1 trillion) / (1,000) = 1 billion seconds = 31.7 years(rounded)

How many zeros are in ten million trillion?

1000 billion dollars!!!!\ woah dog! ============================================================== Here are some other perspectives on 1 trillion dollars: Consider that light travels at about 186,000 miles per second. This time is called a light-second and is often used in astrophysical discussions. A light-second is also about 983,571,056 feet (that's how many feet are in 186,000 miles). This is almost 1 billion. Now, since a dollar bill is 6 inches long, there are almost 2 billion 1 dollar bills in a stretch that covers 186,000 miles - and it would take light 1 second to travel the length of 2 billion dollar bills. Now consider the distance from the earth to the sun - average is about 93,000,000 miles. Converting this to feet, and accounting that it takes 2 dollar bills to make a foot, we find that it takes 982,080,000,000 dollar bills to go from here to the sun - end-to-end. This is almost (within 1.8%) 1 trillion dollars. If we actually stretched the 1 trillion dollars from here to the sun, it would take light 8 minutes and 20 seconds to go from one end to the other. That's what a trillion dollars is.

How many years would it take to spend a trillion dollars at one thousand dollars per second?

There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year, so if you spend a thousand dollars per second, you would be spending 31, 536,000,000 dollars per year. So, if I divide a trillion by 31,536,000,000 the result is 31.7 years.

How many miles in the air would a trillion dollars go if stacked with 100 dollar bills?

Each dollar bill is approximately .0043 inches high. A trillion dollars in $100 bills would be 10,000,000,000 bills. Times that by .0043 you get 43000000 inches, which is approximately 3583333.333 feet, which is approximately 678.66 miles.

How far would a trillion dollars reach?

If you mean 1,000,000,000,000 US dollars end to end, then a trillion dollars would reach 6,410,000,000 inches, or 511,666,666,666 feet.

How much cash is 2 trillion pennies?

Two trillion is 2*10^12. A cent is 1/100 of a dollar, or 10^(-2) dollars. Two trillion pennies is thus 2*10^12 * 10^(-2) = 2*10^10 dollars. Expressed in words, that would be $20 billion.

How long would it take to count a billion dollars counting one dollar a second?

you count one dollar a second so it would probably take you about 31 and a half years.