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It is 7/36 = 0.1944... recurring.

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Q: If you roll two numbers cubes what is the probability that when you multiply the two numbers that it will be a multiple of 3 and 4?
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What is the probability that the difference of the numbers is 6 in two number cubes?

The probability is 0.

What is the probability that a roll of 2 number cubes roll a sum of 24?

If they are standard cubes - with numbers from 1 to 6 - the probability is 0.

What is the probability of rolling two number cubes simultaneously and getting different numbers?

The probability is 5/6.

When you roll three number cubes what is the probability that all three numbers will match?

The probability is 1/36

What is the probability of rolling a sum that is a common multiple of 2 and 3 on 2 number cubes?

It is 1/6.

When two number cubes are rolled what is the probability that their sum will be a common multiple of 2 and 3?

I am not sure but I think 3/36

What is the volume of a solid figure that was 3 cubes long 2 cubes wide and 6 cubes high?

That depends on the exact shape of the figure. If it is a rectangular block, just multiply the three numbers.

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Two standard number cubes (i.e. dice) each with faces numbered 1-6 are rolled. What is the probability that the product of the numbers on the top faces will be greater than 16?

The probability is 0.277... (repeating).

Is it possible to link multiple Game Cubes?

It is not possible to link multiple Game Cubes

Which has a greater probability of being rolled on a pair of number cubes a sum that is a factor 6 or a sum that is the multiple of 6?

A sum that is a factor of 6 has a greater my dick

If you roll a pair of six sided number cubes what is the probability of rolling two numbers whose sum is 6?

If you roll a pair of six sided number cubes the probability of rolling two numbers whose sum is 6 is 5/36 or 0.1389. There are 5 ways to get 6: 1,5 & 5,1 & 4,2 & 2,4 & 3,3. There are 36 outcomes for a roll of 2 dice.