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Q: If you run 7mph for 20 minuets how far did you run?
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20 minutes

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you COULD bake it for maybe about 20-30 minuets and if you want it really burnt then about 45 minuets i would say!

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Im not sure exactly how long it is but i do know the ride in a car would be around 1 hour and 20 minuets, Hope this helped.

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Sunlight takes approximately 8 minutes 20 seconds to make the 93 million mile journey.

How far do you run in 20 minutes at 7.0 mph?

2.33 miles in 20 minutes at 7.0 mph

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because one bacterium takes 20 minuets to replicate.

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About 20 minutes

How far can the average people run?

Jog, about 5 minutes, Sprint, about 20 seconds.

How fast do crocodiles run?

They can gallop to nearly 20 mph for short distances. WRONG - The majority of crocodiles can gallop at an average of 6-7mph. The current record holder is the Australian Freshwater Crocodile (also known as the Johnson's Crocodile) which can reach speeds of 10.6mph, which is faster than an Olympic runner !

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yes u need to be able to eat 20 buckets of chicken in 20 minuets. u may laugh but its true.

How long is 24537844 minuets?

46 years 8 months 6 days 20 hours and 4 minutes.

How many at take that concert?

well i don't know the answer but they sold out last year within 20 minuets for take that