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Q: If you toss 4 coins what is the probability of getting two heads or two tails?
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What is the probability of flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails?

The probabilty of you flipping 3 coins and getting all heads or tails is 0.125 or 1/8.

What is the probability of flipping 4 coins and getting all heads or all tails?

The probability of getting all heads is 1/24 = 1/16 The probability of getting all tails is also 1/24 = 1/16 The probability of all heads or all tails is the sum of the two = 1/8

If you Flip four coins at once what is probability of 2 head and 3 tail?" The probability of flipping four coins and getting 2 heads and 3 tails is ZERO 2 heads and 3 tails requires flipping FIVE coins.

What is the probability of tossing a coin and getting an even number?

Zero. Since coins land on Heads or Tails and not numbers.

What is the probability of tossing seven coins and getting 6 heads?

The probability of getting only one tails is (1/2)7. With seven permutations of which flip is the tails, this gives a probability of: P(six heads in seven flips) = 7*(1/2)7 = 7/128

A fair nickel and a fair dice are tossed once outcomes match when both coins land on heads or both coins land on tails What is the theoretical probability of a match?

The probability of 2 coins both landing on heads or both landing on tails is 1/2 because there are 4 possible outcomes. Head, head. Head, tails. Tails, tails. Tails, heads. Tails, heads is different from heads, tails for reasons I am unsure of.

Two coins are tossed what is the probability of getting no head?

lets get some facts odds of head on 1 coin 50% or evens odds of no head 50% or evens the possible results vary from 1 coin to 2 coins. 1 coin has 2 results heads or tails 2 coins have 4 results. heads heads, tails tails, tails heads, heads tails. each outcome has a probability of 25%. for the question we remove the heads and tail probability and we have 2 outcomes with heads and one without. so 2 to 1 chance or 33.3333 recuring chance.

What is the probability of getting a least one tail when tossing eight fair coins?

The probability of getting at least 1 tails is (1 - probability of getting all heads) The probability of getting all heads (no tails) is ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/256 = 0.00390625 so the probability of getting at least ONE tails is 1-0.30390625 = 0.99609375 = 255/256

When you flip two coins why does it appear tails and heads more than heads and heads and tails and tails?

Because you are thinking permutations rather than combinations. There are four permutations of two coins, but there are only three combinations, because it does not matter which coin is heads and which coin is tails. As a result, the combination of heads and tails has a 0.5 probability, while two heads or two tails each have a 0.25 probability.

If a coin is tossed then what is the probability that the number is 5?

Coins do not have numbers, there is only the probability of heads or tails.

Seven coins are tossed What is the probability of 3 heads or 2 tails?

The probability of one event or the other occurring is the probability of one plus the probability of the other. The probability of getting 3 heads is the probability of 3 heads (1/23) multiplied by the probability of 4 tails (1/24) multiplied by the number of possible ways this could happen. This is 7c3 or 35. Thus the probability of 3 heads is 0.2734375. The probability of 2 tails is the probability of 2 tails (1/22) multiplied by the probability of 5 heads (1/25) multiplied by the number of ways this could happen. That is 7c5 or 21. Thus the probability of 2 tails is 0.1640625 The probability of one or the other is the sum of their probabilities: 0.1640625 + 0.2734375 = 0.4375 Thus the probability of getting 3 heads or 2 tails is 0.4375.

What is the probability of flipping 4 coins and getting 3 tails?

If they are fair coins, the probability is 0.25