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You divide the number of miles traveled by the number of hours and the result - the constant of variation - is 3.66 (recurring) miles per hour.

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Q: If you travel at a constant speed and the distance you travel varies directly with your travel timeSuppose in 1.5 hours you can walk 5 miles What is the costant of variation and how did you find this?
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Are time and distance directly proportional to each other?

Time and distance traveled are directly proportional only if the velocity of the object in question is constant.

Is distance a function of time?

Definitely. Distance is directly proportional to time, and the proportionality constant is called "speed".

When the distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to time then it is travelling with?

constant speed.

When the distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to the time than the body is said to have?

When the distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to time, the body is said to have constant speed. This means that the body covers the same distance in equal intervals of time.

What has a variation in the relationship between two variable quantities with a constant ratio?

The relationship is a linear one. For example when driving at a constant speed, the relationship between distance driven and the time driven is linear with a constant ratio (of the constant speed).

What is an inverse variation?

Two variables, X and Y, are said to be in inverse variation with one another if X*Y is a constant - known as the constant of variation. Typical example: average speed and time taken (for a journey of fixed distance). You double the speed, you halve the time required. You treble the speed the time drops to a third, etc.

Is direct variation a function?

A direct variation is a situation in which two quantities -- such as hours and pay, or distance and time -- increase or decrease at the same rate. The ratio between the quantities is constant; that is, as one quantity doubles, the other quantity also doubles. so yes it is. -add on- A direct variation is in the form y=ax where a is an constant.

How is speed related to time and distance?

Speed, distance and time are related to each other because, speed is directly comparable to distance when time is constant.

Are the distant between each planet and the sun constant?

No, the distance between each planet and the sun is not constant. The planets follow elliptical orbits, meaning their distance from the sun varies as they move along their paths. This variation in distance is due to gravitational forces and orbital mechanics.

Is distance directly or inversely proportional to time?

Distance is directly proportional to time when speed is constant, meaning that the farther you travel, the longer it takes. Conversely, distance is inversely proportional to time when speed varies, such that if you increase speed, you decrease the time it takes to travel a certain distance.

Variation in the value of gravity?

Mass and distance alter gravity Mass is directly proportional to the gravitational force, but distance is inversely proportional. (In other words, greater mass means greater force, and greater distance means less force)

How are time and distance related for an object moving at a constant speed?

Time and distance are directly proportional for an object moving at a constant speed. This means that the longer the time taken to travel, the greater the distance covered, and vice versa. The relationship can be expressed using the formula: Distance = Speed x Time.