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10k per hour = 6.2137119 miles per hour

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Q: If you want to run 50k in 5 hours what do you need to average per mile?
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How do you calculate 240 km per 4 hr?

What is the question ? What exactly do you want to know ? How about the average speed in km per hour ? (240 km) / (4 hr) = 60 km per hour How about the average speed in miles per hour ? (60 km per hour) / (1.609344 km per mile) = 37.28 miles per hour (rounded) How about the average speed in furlongs per fortnight ? (60/1.609344 miles per hour) x (8 furlongs per mile) x (24 hours per day) x (14 days per fortnight) = 100,214.7 furlongs per fortnight (rounded)

What is a nanometer fraction?

A nanometre is one whole of a nanometre! If you want a nanometre expressed as a fraction of a metre, a mile or some other measure you need to specify what that other measure is.

Is 0.55 more or less than a mile?

0.55 light years in more than a mile, 0.55 inch is less than a mile. Pick your units and you have whichever answer you want!

How long should it take a 60 plus woman to walk 1 mile?

It depends on what shape you are in..a fast walk is 3 mph and a good walk is about 2 mph and slow is 1 mph'; on average, if you are in good health and want to do a standard walk at 2 mph, it will take 30 minutes to do the mile

What is the average speed to run 6 mile in 1hr 5min?

1 h 5 min = 1 + 1/12 hours = 1.08333333 (repeating) hours 6/1.08333333 = 5.5384615384615384615384615384632 6/ 13/12 = 72/13 mph = above number Let me explain: If you want to run 6 miles in 1 hr and 5 min, you should first convert the time into one unit. The person above used hours to get a final answer in miles per hour. It makes more mathematical sense (less practical sense), however, to convert to minutes, which would be 65. if we want an average rate, we want "per something," which is understood to be singular. So take the miles, 6, and divide by the minutes, 65, will give you the average speed of 0.0923 miles per minute. Multiplying that number by 60, the number of minutes in an hour, will give you the 5.538 miles per hour that the other guy explained so eloquently.

Related questions

If you want to run 50 kilometers in 5 hours what do you need to average each mile?

6.21 miles per hour.

What speed do you need to average to run a 7 minute mile?

Seven minutes is 7/60 hours. If you want to make your speed in miles per hours then divide 7 into 60. 60/7=about 8.57 miles per hour. A fast jogger could do this. I'm a fast walker and can average 4.1 mph.

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Hours is time. Miles is length/distance.. No conversion. If you want to know driving times, you need a speed. (or at least an average speed.)

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depends on how good you want to be. To qualify for States a ten minute two mile is really good, but an average would be about fifteen minutes.

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If what you want is the total distance traveled, you need to multiply the average speed by the time.Please note that "59 kilometers" is not a speed; perhaps you mean "59 kilometers per hour". If, on the other hand, "59 kilometers" is the TOTAL DISTANCE, and you want the average speed, you need to divide the total distance by the time.

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Depends on how big you want your track to be. 3.8 mile 1.2 mile or 1 mile exact. Not including seating, parking, and food.

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Well if you want to a a neoatologists you need to take a lot of hours

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The IRS allows: .51 cents per mile for business. .19 cents per mile for medical or moving expenses. .14 cents per mile for charitable expenses. Want to know what a particular make & model will cost per mile then click the link.

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Well....Teenagers 13-16 need 10 hours of sleep... This can also make you grow and girls you want breasts at 11- 16 you would have to drink about 4-5 cups of 3.6% of milk a day

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On average, the time is 30 hours, depending on where in California you want to go to.

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The average flight time is 8 hours, depending on where in Russia you want to go to.

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normally from 2-4 hours..but you can make it last as long as you want.