If you were born in February 1969, then you turned 43 on your birthday in February 2012.
as of February 2010 youre 15 years old.
you would be 34 years old
you are 33
On your birthday in 2013, you would turn 37.
If you were born in 1976 you would be (depending on the month you were born in) you would be about 34.
Lori Beth Denberg was born on February 2, 1976.
If you were born in 1976, you would be 45 years old in 2021.
Ja Rule (Jeffrey Atkins) is 41 years old (birthdate: February 29, 1976).
Harry Elliott was an English cricketer who was born 2 November 1891 and died 2 February 1976. If he were still alive in February 2009, he would be 118 years old.
Wallace Berman was born on February 18, 1926 and died on February 18, 1976. Wallace Berman would have been 50 years old at the time of death or 89 years old today.
break it up into parts so it is easier to manage. 2000-1976=24. Don't forget to add 2010-2000=10. So this person would be 24+10=34 years old
Ritwik Ghatak was born on November 4, 1925 and died on February 6, 1976. Ritwik Ghatak would have been 50 years old at the time of death or 89 years old today.
2013 - 1976 = 37 year old
Chanda Rubin was born on February 18, 1976.
Michael McIntyre was born on 21st February 1976. Making him 35.
He was born February 29, 1976, so that makes him 33 years old.