After July 9th, 2010... You will be 28 years old
If you were born on July 9, 1982, then as of April 2011, you would be 28 years old.
If today is 9/18/2009, they are currently 56 years old.
If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.
2010 - 2001 = 9 Therefore, you would be nine years old. but it isn't July 19 yet so still 8.
Guido Guerrasio was born on July 9, 1920, in Milan, Italy.
She was born Dec. 9, 1920.
After July 9th, 2010... You will be 28 years old
James L. Farmer was born on January 12, 1920 and died on July 9, 1999. This would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 90 years old today.
9 July, 1975 old bean
If you were born on July 9, 1982, then as of April 2011, you would be 28 years old.
US senator Lindsey Graham is 62 years old (birthdate: July 9, 1955).
US author Dean Koontz is 72 years old. He was born on July 9, 1945.
born July 9, 1986 she is 23
Josh Devine is 26 years old (born July 9, 1991).
As of July 9, 2012 you would be 14 years old.
Raymond Cruz is 56 years old (born July 9, 1961).