2010 -1951 _____ 59
59 years old
You will turn 62 in 2013.
If you were born in September, 1962, how old are you in 2010?You are 48 if you were born in September of 1962.
2010 -1951 _____ 59
58 or 59, depending on what date you were born. (As of this post) if you were born before March 8th, 1951, you would be 59. If you were born March 9th, 1951 or after, you would be 58. Simply, in the year 2010, you would celebrate your 59th birthday.
As of 2021, a person born in August 1951 would be 70 years old.
Umaru Yar'Adua was 58 years old when he died on May 5, 2010 (birthdate: August 16, 1951).
Subtract the year you were born from the current year: 2014 . 1951 = 63.
59 years old
Mark Hamill was born on September 25, 1951, so as of August 6, 2010, he will turn 59 very soon.
He was born in 1951.
No, as of 2014, she is alive. (born June 8, 1951)
well if u asked this in 2010 now it would be 1951 and then just add one more to make 2009