Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
If you were born on May 24th 1969 then 2009 marks your 40th birthday.
If you were born in February 1969, then you turned 43 on your birthday in February 2012.
41 years old
you would be 45 or 46 depending on your birthday
Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
If someone was born in 1969 they would be 41 years old in 2010. 2010 - 1969 = 41
Dondre Whitfield was born on May 27, 1969.
no becase if he was he would not be 43 years old he was born in may 8th, 1969
You would be 40 years old.
If you were born on May 24th 1969 then 2009 marks your 40th birthday.
If you were born in 1969, then your age would depend on the current year. Subtract 1969 from the current year to determine your age.
Emmitt Smith, a former NFL running back, is 48 years old. He was born on May 15, 1969.
If you were born in February 1969, then you turned 43 on your birthday in February 2012.
today (2012) you would be 43 years old
41 years old
she is 40 ( born May 17, 1969