2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
As of 1/9/12, you would be 22.
You would be 46.
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
today (2012) you would be 43 years old
12 How old would you be if you were born in 1963 and it`s 2030 right now?
2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
On your birthday in 2012, you turned 46.
As of 1/9/12, you would be 22.
You would be 46.
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
You would be 82 years old if you were born before Nov 17 in 1928; otherwise you would be 81 until your next birthday.
They would be 48 years old.
Well he was born in Nov. 25 , 1994. That would make him 16!:)