2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
11 today (5 November) but 12 in just a few days' time.
I am 59 and when you were born makes no difference to my age!
68 cause 2023-1923
today (2012) you would be 43 years old
2013-1937 = 76 years old if birthday is on or before NOV 4
Today (22 Nov 2010) you would be 21 years old.
11 today (5 November) but 12 in just a few days' time.
I am 59 and when you were born makes no difference to my age!
Mr.Ugwu Mac-Romanus Ebuka born on Nov. 26th 1992
if brn on this date or before today 10, born on date after today (as in born in oct nov or dec) 9 until your birthday occurs
24 unless you were born after the date of today (meaning Nov. 29, or whichever day it is)
Her b-day is 3 Apr. (She was born in 1922)