Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
change them to decimals
No but for fractions
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
change them to decimals
You change fractions into decimals by dividing their denominators into their numerators as for example 3/4 = 0.75
To change fractions into decimals divide the numerator by the denominator as for example 3/4 = 0.75
No but for fractions
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
0.1250 as a fraction is 1/8
Change them into fractions over 10 or 100 and then order them
You convert the real part and the imaginary parts separately.
Hit MATH and then 1 to change from decimal to fraction or 2 to change from fraction to decimal
Change the decimal into a fraction or the easier way is to turn the fration into a decimal, then multiply.