January has 31 days and April has 30 days, so that is a total of 61 days.
Scientifically, their are 3 days.
the answer for how many days in November January and December is 92
In 1984, January had 31 days and February had 29 days.
31 days
31 Daysby hstannar
January and July have 31 days.
As with any month of January, there are 31 days in January 2009.
January has 31 days and April has 30 days, so that is a total of 61 days.
Scientifically, their are 3 days.
There are 31 days in January 2010
the answer for how many days in November January and December is 92
10 days
As with any month of January, there are 31 days in January 2009.
In 1984, January had 31 days and February had 29 days.
There are seven days in a week in Africa and any part of the world.