Neither X, L, nor D, are 5 in roman numerals. X is 10, L is 50, and D is 500. 5 is always represented as a V in roman numerals.
The number 10500 in Roman numerals would be (X)D
The letter "D" represents the number 500 in Roman numerals, while the letter "X" represents the number 10.
the roman numerals L,X,M,C,I,D ARE the roman numerals that can be used only 3 times
D/X = L which is the same as 500/10 = 50
Neither X, L, nor D, are 5 in roman numerals. X is 10, L is 50, and D is 500. 5 is always represented as a V in roman numerals.
The number 10500 in Roman numerals would be (X)D
The letter "D" represents the number 500 in Roman numerals, while the letter "X" represents the number 10.
the roman numerals L,X,M,C,I,D ARE the roman numerals that can be used only 3 times
It is 409.
A is not used in Roman numerals. Only I, V, X, L, C, D, and M are used.
D/X = L which is the same as 500/10 = 50
The Roman numerals MMX divided by X equals CCI (2010/10 = 201)
The number 10500 can be represented by the Roman numeral (X)D
M m d l x x v i i i
50,000 can be written in roman numerals as (D) which is 500 x 1000 or 50,000.Improved Answer:-50,000 = (L) = 50*1000 = 50,000500,000 = (D) = 500*1000 = 500,000
You cannot spell Lillian with Roman Numerals because there are no numerals that could be used to make an "A". The Roman Numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, M.