In Roman numerals, it means XLVIII. In decimal notation, it means 48.
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : x in roman numerals is : 10
roman numerals for 70 is LXX L = 50 X = 10
Neither X, L, nor D, are 5 in roman numerals. X is 10, L is 50, and D is 500. 5 is always represented as a V in roman numerals.
X = 10
In Roman numerals, it means XLVIII. In decimal notation, it means 48.
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : x in roman numerals is : 10
94 X=10, C=100, I=1, V=5.
roman numerals for 70 is LXX L = 50 X = 10
700 = DCC, 10 = X and 7 = VII, so 717 would be DCCXVII.
On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : 23 10 1992 in roman numerals is : XXIII X MCMXCII
Neither X, L, nor D, are 5 in roman numerals. X is 10, L is 50, and D is 500. 5 is always represented as a V in roman numerals.
The letter "D" represents the number 500 in Roman numerals, while the letter "X" represents the number 10.
May is the fifth month and would be V. The 10th is represented by X. And the year would be MCMDXVI. So it would normally be shown as V-X-MCMDXVI.