All statistics are data because all statistics are formed of numbers and numbers are a type of data (numrical). But not all data is statistics because not all data is numbers, it can also be words, pictures etc. It's like saying all apples are fruit but all fruit are not apples.
That depends on your teacher's or schools practice. If they "grade on a curve" then all the tests taken will be distributed on a Gaussian bell probability curve. So if you are the only one who missed 4 questions and everybody else missed more you will get the highest grade; but of you are the only one who missed 4 questions and everybody else mised fewer, then you will get the lowest grade. In my school only a few teachers graded on a curve; most would have given a B for missing 4 out of 26 equally important questions. UH UH!If you missed 4 out of 26, you would still get a A-.I aked my teacher and she said yes.
Two objects having both the same size and shaped could be said to be 'congruent'.
The man (or woman) can be said to model a bust, for instance, using clay. Or sculpture if working in stone, marble, plaster, etc.
A normal distribution is not skewed. Skewness is a measure of how the distribution has been pulled away from the normal.A feature of a distribution is the extent to which it is symmetric.A perfectly normal curve is symmetric - both sides of the distribution would exactly correspond if the figure was folded across its median point.It is said to be skewed if the distribution is lop-sided.The word, skew, comes from derivations associated with avoiding, running away, turning away from the norm.So skewed to the right, or positively skewed, can be thought of as grabbing the positive end of the bell curve and dragging it to the right, or positive, direction to give it a long tail in the positive direction, with most of the data still concentrated on the left.Then skewed to the left, or negatively skewed, can be thought of as grabbing the negative end of the bell curve and dragging it to the left, or negative, direction to give it a long tail in the negative direction, with most of the data still bunched together on the right.Warning: A number of textbooks are not correct in their use of the term 'skew' in relation to skewed distributions, especially when describing 'skewed to the right' or 'skewed to the left'.
it is a fish ok whoever said it is a fish is an idiot i have scoliosis and had surgery for it! s shaped is where u have 2 curves in your back i have 2 curves. c shaped is just 1 curve.
The clavicle is said to follow a sinuous curve because of its S-shaped structure, with two gentle curves at the sternal and acromial ends. This shape allows the clavicle to effectively transfer forces from the arm to the central part of the body while providing flexibility and mobility to the shoulder joint.
One bell said to the other that he wanted to win a no-bell prize!
He said he likes anyone down to earth with great eyes and a great smile so yes I guess he would if you have those quality's.
what is something important did Alexander graham bell said
Mark Twain
A normalized probability distribution curve has an area under the curve of 1.Note: I said "normalized", not "normal". Do not confuse the terms.
yeah, I'm pretty sure its free. I've downloaded it on my curve from blackberry appworld and it said it was free.
Victoria the evil one
Many distinct curves are commonly called ovals or are said to have an "oval shape". Generally, to be called an oval, a plane curve should resemble the outline of an egg or an ellipse. ... an oval would generally have an axis of symmetry, but this is not required.
That would be "Bell". James Dalton Bell, who is the great grandson of the youngest founding member of the Dalton gang, Emmet Dalton (d. 1937). James invented the concept of the bell curve while experimenting with trajectories of falling objects in the absence of rye fields (cit. Physics of Biophenomena, 16:456-479, 1979). It was during one of the experiments that stray bit of lysergic sprung from one of the ergotised heads of rye, which had not been absented completely, made it into his soup. The ideas that flowed through his head afterwards were said to be some of the prettiest music he had ever heard, and thus his mind was clear for the first time in his lift. The Bell curve has been published in 39 states, 63 countries and in at least 2 non-linear formats, but has yet to be made into a major motion picture - most likely due to the protestations of one Bob Herbert of the New York Times, who doesn't feel it is worth the weight of the paper he is printed on.