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Every unique value has a unique distance from the mean, which leads to a unique z-score.

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Q: In a data set can there be two of the same z scores?
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What do you call it when there are two modal scores in one set?

When there are two modal scores in a set of data, it is called a bimodal distribution. This means that there are two values that occur most frequently in the data set.

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When may the median of a set of data not be a member of the set data?

It can't * * * * * Yes it can. When there are an even number of observations and the middle two numbers are not the same.

What if the data set has a even amount of numbers and the median was between the same numbers?

The median of a set of data is the "middle" value. Whenever there is an even number of values in a data set, you take the middle two numbers, add them together, and divide by two. For cases when the two middle numbers happen to be the same, you still add them up and divide by two. The key point is just that the answer will be the same as both the numbers.

Can the mode and median for a data set be the same or different?

mode-the most (highest # in a set of data) median-the middle # when you put a set of data in order from least to greatest let's take for example a reasonable set of 10,3,4,5,7,5,9 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 3,4,5,5,7,9,10 and than your mode 5 because there was two 5's so YES IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE THE SAME MEDIAN AND MODE FOR ONE SET OF DATA DEPENDING ON WHAT THAT SET OF DATA IS

What if the data set was even and the numbers were the same for the median?

You then add the two middle ones and divide by two to get the median. If the numbers are the same then that is your median.

Can there be 2 modes in a data set?

There can be two modes in a data set. For example, in the data set {0,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,9}, there are two modes: 3 and 5.

Can a set of data have two modes?

Yes, a set of data can have two modes. It is called bimodal.

What is a set of data that is made up of two paired variables?

a set of data that is made up of two paired variables

How is it possible for two sets of data to consist of different numbers but have the same mean the same median the same mode?

The range of a data set is the difference between the largest and smallest number in your set of data. Median is the number that comes in the middle. 54, 55, 56 has a range of 54-56 and a median of 55. The set 53, 55, 57 has a median of 55 also!

What two things can you find out from a bar chart?

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The number of permutations of two items from a data set is?

Not answereable without knowledge of the data set.