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it is a bove the mean by 5 points

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Q: In a population of N equals 6 five of the individuals all have scores that are exactly 1 point above the mean From this information you can determine that the score for the sixth individual must be?
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What is the number of individuals in a population called?

The number of individuals in a population is called population size.

Breeding an individual of dominant phenotype with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the individuals genotype?


Which two pieces of information about a country are needed to determine its determine its population density?

population and life expectancy

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Mike Nelson is a common name, and there may be multiple individuals who go by this name. Without more information, it is difficult to determine which specific individual you are referring to.

How do ecologists determine if a population is changing?

A population is a group of individual of a single species that simulataneously occupy the same general area. Population may increase or decrease.

Identify the four processes that determine population growth:  immigration, birth, emigration, and death, and explain the impact of each on population size. (14.3)?

Immigration and birth increase the population size as they are bringing more individuals into the population. While death and emigration decrease the population because death kills off individuals while emigration is a process in which individuals leave/exit the population.

Identify the four processes that determine population growth:?

immigration, birth, emigration, and death, and explain the impact of each on population size. (14.3) Immigration and birth increase the population size as they are bringing more individuals into the population. While death and emigration decrease the population because death kills off individuals while emigration is a process in which individuals leave/exit the population.

How would you determine the genotype of an individual if it is heterozygous for a character?

To determine the genotype of an individual who is heterozygous for a trait, you would need to perform a genetic cross with a homozygous recessive individual. By observing the phenotypes of the offspring, you can deduce the genotype of the heterozygous individual. This can help determine if the heterozygous individual is carrying one dominant and one recessive allele.

What information does karyotype provide?

A karyotype provides information about the number, size, and structure of an individual's chromosomes. It can be used to diagnose genetic disorders, identify chromosomal abnormalities, and determine the sex of an individual.

Is it true that Under the Privacy Act individuals have the right to request amendments of their records contained in a system of records?

Yes, under the Privacy Act, individuals have the right to request amendments of their records contained in a system of records. If an individual believes that any information in their record is inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely, or incomplete, they can request correction or amendment of that information. However, agencies may refuse to amend records if they determine that the information is accurate and complete.

When determining population size using direct observation every individual in a population is counted?

Yes, in direct observation, every individual in the population is counted to determine the population size accurately. This method requires physically counting or seeing each member of the population. It is usually appropriate for smaller populations or groups that can be easily observed and counted.

What is the population of Maerdy?

As of my available data, I couldn't determine the population of Maerdy. It would be best to refer to the latest official statistics or census data to get accurate population information.