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Q: Breeding an individual of dominant phenotype with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the individuals genotype?
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To determine the genotype of an individual that shows the dominant phenotype you would cross that individual with one that is?

To determine the genotype of an individual showing the dominant phenotype, you would cross it with a homozygous recessive individual. This would help reveal whether the dominant phenotype individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous for the trait.

To determine the genotype of an individual that shows the dominant phenotype you would cross the individual with one that is?

Homozygous recessive.

How do you perform a testcross?

To perform a testcross, you cross an individual with a dominant phenotype (but unknown genotype) with a homozygous recessive individual. By examining the offspring's phenotypes, you can determine the genotype of the unknown individual through the principles of Mendelian genetics. This allows you to determine if the individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous for a specific trait.

What is the probaility that the offspring of a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual will exhibit the dominant phenotype?

100 percent.

Which phenotype pairing can the genotypes of the individuals be directly known?

Codominance - when both alleles are expressed equally in an individual. This allows us to directly observe the genotypes of the individuals based on their appearance.

What is the probability that the offspring of a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual exhibit the dominant phenotype?

Given those conditions, the offspring have a 50% chance of demonstrating the dominant phenotype and a 50% chance of demonstrating the recessive phenotype.

Which genotype is used in a test cross?

In a test cross, one individual with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype is crossed with a homozygous recessive individual. The genotype of the individual with the dominant phenotype can then be inferred based on the phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

Is it easier to analyze genotype by observing phenotype in organisms with complete dominance or in organisms with incomplete dominance?

It is generally easier to analyze genotype by observing phenotype in organisms with complete dominance because the phenotypic expression directly reflects the genotype. In contrast, with incomplete dominance, the phenotype is an intermediate between the two homozygous genotypes, making it more challenging to accurately determine the genotype solely based on the phenotype.

Explain why the homozygous recessive would always be used in a test cross?

The homozygous recessive individual is used in a test cross to determine the genotype of an individual with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype. When crossed with a homozygous recessive individual, if any offspring display the recessive trait, it indicates that the unknown individual is heterozygous for that trait.

What are the genotype and phenotype ratios in offspring from two heterozygous parents?

The genotype ratio is 1:2:1 (1 homozygous dominant, 2 heterozygous, 1 homozygous recessive) and the phenotype ratio is 3:1 (3 individuals showing the dominant trait, 1 individual showing the recessive trait).

What is a testcross?

A testcross is a genetic cross between an individual with a dominant phenotype but unknown genotype and a homozygous recessive individual. This cross is used to determine the genotype of the first individual by observing the phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

What genetic term describes an observable trait of and individual 1. heterozygous 2. genotype 3. phenotype or 4. homozygous?
