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The two sides are called base and height and the sloping part of the right angle triangle is called the hypotenuse.

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Q: In a right triangle the sides that for the right angle are called what?
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What is a triangle with a right angle but no congruent sides?

That is simply called a right triangle.

Does a right angle triangle have 2 equal sides?

Not necessarily. A triangle with two equal sides is called an isoceles triangle. A right triangle has one angle that measures 90 degrees.

What are the sides of a right triangle that form the right angle?

They're called the "legs" of the triangle. The side that doesn't touch the right angle is called the "hypotenuse".

A triangle has 1 right angle and 2 equal sides what two words describe this triangle?

A triangle with one right angle and two equal sides is called an isosceles right angled triangle.

The sides of a right triangle are also called legs?

The sides that form the right angle are called legs. The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.

What is a triangle where none of its sides are equal called?

If it has no right angle then it is a scalene triangle

What is a triangle with no congruent sides and an angle of 90 degrees is?

the triangle is called right handed triangle

What are the sides of a triangle called?

Given the reference perspective of a specific angle the sides are are the adjacent sides and the opposite side If we have a right triangle the longest side (opposite the right angle) is the hypotenuse.

What shape has three sides and one right angle?

A Right Triangle or sometimes called a Right-angled Triangle has one angle = 90 degrees

What are the two sides of a triangle that are not opposite the right angle are called?


A triangle with 2 equal sides but no right angle?

a triangle with two sides the same length and no right angle

A triangle with two equal sides and a 90 degree angle is called?

An isosceles right triangle