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Q: In a table what are the vertical and horizontal lines?
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A table formatted with horizontal and vertical lines is called a boxed table?

A table formatted with horizontal and vertical lines is called a bordered table. The lines are used to separate and emphasize the rows and columns within the table, making it easier to read and understand the data presented.

What are vertical lines in a period table?

In a periodic table, vertical lines are called groups or families. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties due to the same number of electrons in their outermost energy level. There are 18 groups on the periodic table.

What is vertical and horizontal line?

horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900

What is a horizontal series of cells in a table called?

A horizontal series of cells in a table is usually called a "row". A vertical series of cells in a table is usually called a "column".

What is the intersection of the horizontal and vertical number lines?

Orgin is the intersection of horizontal and vertical number lines.

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal lines?

vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.

What are rows called one a periodic table?

columns are the horizantal lines and groups are are the vertical lines

What are non vertical lines?

Non-vertical lines could be slanted or horizontal.

What are the horizontal groupings in the periodic table named?

The horizontal lines are called "periods" and show how many "shells" each atom hasThe horizontal rows in the periodic table are called periods. The vertical columns are called groups.

What are vertical and horizontal lines?


What is the horizontal and vertical lines in a coordinate system?

Horizontal is X-Axis and Vertical is Y-Axis.

What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table?

The rows (Horizontal) are called Periods and the Columms (Vertical) are called Groups.