In base 4, which contains the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 3 + 3 would equal 12.
This number would be read one-two, not twelve - as our regular number pronunciations are dependent on us working in base 10 (otherwise known as decimal).
Your question, "Is there any way 2 plus 2 can equal anything but 4?" My answeris YES. If you were to use base 3 math, 2 plus 2 would then equal "11" (base 3) 2 plus 2 = 11 (base 3)
Log base 3 of 81 is equal to 4, because 3 ^ 4 = 81. Therefore, two times log base 3 of 81 is equal to 2 x 4 = 8.
The answer to that question is infact .................. 24 .
2 + 3 + 4 = 9
3 plus 4 is 7, not 5.
3 plus 3-4 plus 938-489 plus 34 is equal to 485.
11011 base 2 is equal to 27 in base 10 321 base 4 is equal to 57 in base 10 27+57=84
Which is equal to 46 59-3 plus 6.2 or 4 plus 8 plus 2.5 or 412 plus 3-4 or 73 plus 3 plus 7 or 210 plus 5 plus 6?