

In coal spec IDT 1260 C?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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12y ago

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In coal specs IDT means initial deformation temperature of Ash.

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Q: In coal spec IDT 1260 C?
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How much heat energy is required to raise the temperature of 5 kilograms of coal from 20degree C to 220 degree C?

Q = m*c*delta Tc for coal = 0.24 (depending on its origin)Q = 5*0.24*(220-20) = 240 Joulesc for anthracite coal is also given as 0.201 which will give an answer of 201 Joules

What is full form of n c b?

It used to be the National Coal Board (in the UK).

What is least positive integer that is divisible by each of the integers 1 through 7 inclusive?

what is least positive integer that is divisible by each of the integers 1 through 7 inclusive ? a 420 b 840 c 1260 d 2520 e 5o40

3c plus 15 over c squared minus 5 plus c over c plus 5?

(3c +15)/(c2 - 5) + c/(c + 5)= (3c + 15)/(c - 5)(c + 5) + c/(c + 5)= (3c + 15)/(c - 5)(c + 5) + [c(c - 5)/(c + 5)(c - 5)(since the common denominator is (c + 5)(c - 5)= (3c + 15)/(c - 5)(c + 5) + (c2 - 5c)/(c + 5)(c - 5)= (3c + 15 + c2 - 5c)/(c - 5)(c + 5)= (c2 - 2c + 15)/(c - 5)(c + 5)= [(c - 5)(c + 3)]/(c - 5)(c + 5) (simplify)= (c + 3)/(c + 5)

What is the lowest number with 36 factors?

1260. The number of factors is given by (a+1)*(b+1)... where N=x^a*y^b... is the prime factorization of N. Note that 36=2^2*3^2, so (a+1)*(b+1)... has to equal that. So, we know we have to include 2, 2, 3, and 3 in the equation (it can be separate or together, like (1+1) or (3+1), but it needs to come to that) We can have a=2, b=2, c=1, d=1. (2+1)*(2+1)*(1+1)*(1+1)=3*3*2*2=36 This makes for 36 factors. With our exponents chosen, it would make the smallest number if we use the smallest primes for the largest exponents. 1260 = 2^2*3^2*5*7. Or we could try a=3, b=2, c=2. (3+1)*(2+1)*(2+1)=4*3*3=36. Again, use smallest primes for biggest exponents. 1800 = 2^3*3 ^ 2*5 ^ 2 When you keep putting more of the numbers together, to the extremes of a=35 (35+1=36) or a=8, b=3 ((8+1)(3+1)=9*4=36), you get 2^35=34359738368 or 2^8*3^3=6912. I think our first guess was the best: 1260

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