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Q: In geometry a solid may exist in a plane.?
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In geometry a solid may exist in a plane true or false?

The statement is false.

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In geometry a solid may exist in three-dimensional space?


A geometric solid may exist in a plane?


In geometry a solid may exist in three-dimensional space true or false?

The correct answer would be true. Hope this helps!!

Can two given lines with no point in common exist in the same plane?

Yes. (The answer may be complicated somewhat in non-Euclidean geometries, but it's possible in Euclidean geometry if the lines are parallel).

What is the use of solid geometry?

ambot sa kanding na may bangs,,

How can the solid layer exist in a hot liquid layer?

the solids which have greater melting point may exist as solid layer

What greek god discovered plane geometry?

I don't know, so don't take this as a true answer, but I think it may be Zeus.

Can a triangle can have two parellel sides?

A Plane triangle cannot have parallel sides. A triangle on a sphere, represented in Mercator projection may do so, but that still does not make it so, for that is in spherical geometry. And there are other geometries than Euclidean (plane). Hyperbolic Geometry and Elliptic Geometry are the names of another two. These geometries are consistent within themselves, but some of the theorems in Euclidean geometry have different answers in these alternate geometries.

A geometric solid may exist in three-dimensional space?


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