No word in geometry state with the letter Y, but you need to ask your teacher if you can use a word that has a Y in it like; analytic geometry and complementary angles
A point is one of basic terms in geometry,it just specifies an exact location, we identify this point with a number or letter. example : .A .B .C .Y
y-intercept y axis
Some abstract nouns that start wit Y are: youth youthfulness yearning year yesterday
It is movement in the vertical direction. In 2-dimensional analytical geometry, it is the distance in the direction parallel to the y-axis.
Yummy and yes are peaceful words. They begin with the letter y.
Yes and yummy are nice words. They begin with the letter y.
· Yemen
Yak, yam, yap, tea, yen, yes, yet and yum are short words. They begin with the letter Y.
The Irish Gaelic language has no letter 'y'.
Yes and yummy are kind words. They begin with the letter Y.
Yes is a civil word. It begins with the letter Y.
Yes and yummy are good word. They begin with the letter y.
· yacht · yeast