Value of 10
1C = 28
If the expression in the question is a hexadecimal number, the equivalent decimal value is 16,664,843. If it was not a hexadecimal number, maybe you should have thought about stating what it was.
value of 10
Value of 10
DCE means: Data Carrier Equipment Hexadecimal value in decimal: 3192
The value in hexadecimal of the decimal number 999910 is F41E6.
Decimal Value: 469 Hexadecimal Value: 1D5
The decimal equivalent is 298.
Without context, it is difficult to say. I guess you are referring to number bases greater than 10 where letters are used to represent digits above 9; the first digit would be A, the second B and so on. In these cases the letter A is being used to represent 10 times the column value where it is. For example in hexadecimal, the A in 0x6A3 represents 10 x 16 = 160 in decimal (since it is in the sixteens column of the number).
1C = 28