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Firstly Draw a pentagon and enclose it in a square. Then draw an isometric scale. With isometric reading draw the square first on 120degree axis, reduce the pentagon sides on isometric scale and plot it on the isometric square

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Q: In isometric projection how to draw pentagon?
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What is isometric projection?

Isometric projection is another way of saying 3D. With isometric projection things are drawn on a two dimensional surface to show how they would look in 3D.

How do you draw a circle in isometric projection?

Here is the link that will help you with Illustrations

What is the Difference between Isometric Projection and Oblique projection?

The difference is that the Isometric projection shows more and accurate drawing than the Oblique project which is just a pictorial method.

Draw the projection of pentagonal prism base 25mm side and axis 60mm long is laying on the ground of one of its faces with the axis parallel to vp draw its projection?

To draw the projection of the pentagonal prism, first draw the base which is a regular pentagon with 25mm sides. Then, extend the sides of the pentagon upwards by 60mm to represent the height of the prism. Next, draw the perspective view by projecting lines from the corners of the base to the corresponding corners on the top pentagon. Finally, draw the visible edges connecting the top and bottom pentagons to complete the projection of the pentagonal prism with the axis parallel to the vertical plane (vp).

Difference between isometric view and isometric projection?

I think both are same. There is difference between isometric view and isometric drawing that is of size.

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What is the angle used in isometric projection?

always 30 degrees

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you can start of by getting isometric drawing paper

What is isometric projection in AutoCAD?

It is 3D view at an angle and diminishing into the distance.

How do you draw an isometric letter z?
