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There are only normal profits in the market, so no firms will enter or exit the market.

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Q: In long run equilibrium P equals minimum ATC equals MC what is the significance of the equality of P and minimum ATC for society?
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Women still fight for workplace equality. Equality under the law is an ideal of American society.

Equality in Indian Society and provisions to eradicate in inequality from your society?

well.... i dont know !!

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Efficiency is the property of society getting the most is can from its scarce resources, and equality is the property of distributing economic prosperity uniformly among the members of society.

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Contrast equality 7-2521 with the rest of the men living in this society pg46?

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What significance do the poems have on the storyline dead poets society?

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Martin Luther King was trying to get equality for all the black people

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Forum for Equality's motto is 'The Forum For Equality is a statewide civil rights organization dedicated to the establishment of a society free from discrimination and to the support of good government.'.

What is the significance of religious festivals to the society?

Noo Seer:/