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Q: Which of Williams' US values is contradicts the other values of freedom democracy and equality?
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What are the positive and negative effects of democracy?

freedom of speech and equality is spread.

Why democracy is popular?

One reason is that democracy equals freedom that no other form of government offers.

Is there a fifth pillar of democracy?

No, there are generally considered to be 4 pillars of democracy: justice, equality, freedom and representation

What are some ideals expressed in the U.S constitution?

rights, liberty, equality, freedom, democracy

How is slavery undemocratic?

Democracy was introduced so that everyone had freedom and was not subject to cruelty by higher authorities. Slavery completely contradicts these guidelines.

What it a democracy?

Democracy is a political government, carried out by a) directly by the peole, or b) by a representitive of the people. 2 Importan features of democracy: 1) Equality before the law 2) Freedom and rights are protected by court

How did the Renaissance the Reformation the Age of Exploration and Discovery of the Scientific Revolution promote the rise of democracy?

The Age of Revolutions brought on by liberalism, called for freedom and equality which led to the rise of democracy.

Is an equality of conditions income housing and the like a necessary ingredient of democracy?

Equality of conditions, including access to affordable housing, can help promote equality, social cohesion, and a sense of fairness within a democratic society. However, it is not necessarily a requirement for democracy to function. Democratic principles such as equality, freedom, and opportunity can still exist even in societies with significant economic inequality.

The sociologist who identified twelve underlying core values of American society was?

Robin M. Williams, Jr., identified the twelve underlying core values of American society, which include achievement and success, individualism, efficiency and practicality, progress, material comfort, equality, freedom, democracy, patriotism, diversity, education, and religiosity.

What are American fundamental political values?

Representative GovernmentLimited GovernmentEqual OpportunityOpportunity of a Market EconomyRule of LawSeparation of Church and StateRights and ResponsibilitiesFreedom and Independence

Is democracy bad?

No, democracy is not bad because democracy means freedom of speech and freedom of human rights!

What is the 8 tenets of the American democracy?

The eight tenets of American democracy are: 1. Individual Worth 2. Individual Freedom 3. Equality 4. Popular Sovereignty 5. Majority Rule 6. Minority Rights 7. Limited Government 8. Compromise