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Q: In math what are the numbers for pi?
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Pi=3.14 in basic math

What is the most complicated math problem?

There is no "most complicated math problem" because numbers are infinite. However, on very complicated problem is pi=? because pi is a repeating decimal, it would go on forever. Because of that, we usually sorten pi to 3.1415...

How many years dose it take for a person to say all the numbers in the math way pi?

infinity, the pi number keeps going on to infinity

What is the definition of the math pie?

Mathamatical pi is an irrational number. It classifys as an irrational number because the numbers never repeat and pi is a never ending number.

What is the math definition of constant?

It is a number that comes up in math and is independent of the physical measurement. Some examples that are well know are e and pi. As the name implies, the numbers do not change---they are constant. Usually math constants are real and not imaginary numbers.

What is the world's longest math lesson?

I would imagine that learning the numbers of Pi up to a certain point, like maybe 1000 numbers, would be the longest math lesson, in a sense. If you go through the basics of math may be you can't feel that any math lesson as longest math lesson in world.

How do you find the area of pi?

Pi is just a number . . . there is no area to find. However, if you wanted to find the area of a circle, you could multiply the circle's radius time its radius, again, then multiply that answer by pi. If you have a simple pocket calculator, you can find the value of pi to an accuracy of 2 millionth's of a percent. Using the first 6 odd numbers, "113355", simply divide the last 3 numbers (355) by the first 3 numbers (113). A value of pi of 3.14159 is sufficient for most math needs. Actually 3.14 is quite good for the majority of math problems.

Who uses Pi?

3.14159265 That Pi? Many people use Pi. I use Pi in my math class.

How many numbers in Pi?

there are infinite numbers in pi

What does 'pi' mean in math terms?

In math terms, pi, means 3.14, which is a everlasting decimal, that is just rounded to make your math easier. So pi, means 3.14 in math terms.

Does transcendental ean it is equal to the ratio of two integers in math?

Absolutely not. Transcendental numbers are such values as e, pi, and root 2

What does the math version pi mean?

The number for pi is: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795