Well, honey, a "katha" is a unit of area used in India, particularly in the region of Bihar. One katha is equal to about 1361.25 square feet or 126.32 square meters. As for decimals, well, a katha is a whole number unit, so you won't be dealing with any pesky decimals here. Just good old-fashioned square footage!
A katha is a measure of area. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number - any number. It has no relation t any measure.
In Madhubani, one Katha is typically equivalent to 1361.25 square feet. This unit of measurement is commonly used in the region for land area. It is important to note that the exact measurement of a Katha can vary slightly depending on the specific location and context within Madhubani.
A decimal is a form of representing a number. It has no area at all.
Three halves is one and a half, or 1.5 when written as a decimal.
A katha is a measure of area. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number - any number. It has no relation t any measure.
In Ranchi, one Katha is equal to 20 decimal. This unit of measurement is commonly used in areas like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh to measure land area. It is important to note that the conversion of Katha to decimal may vary in different regions, so it is always best to verify with local authorities or resources for accurate measurements.
In the context of land measurement in Bangladesh, one katha is equivalent to 0.0338 decimal. This conversion is based on the standard unit of land measurement in Bangladesh, where one decimal is equal to 435.6 square feet. Therefore, one katha is approximately 14.4 square feet.
These measures of area differ from one part of South Asia to another s a definitive answer is not possible. But a katha (or kotha) equals approx 6.6 decimals.
18 katha
1 kattha =1.65 decimal in jharkhand and 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet. So 1 kattha =718.74 square feet in jharkhand.
1 katha=66.9 sq. metres 1 katha=720 sft
In Bangladesh, one katha is 720 square feet.
1 Katha in to square feet
100 dismil
1 katha = 16 chatak