In the context of land measurement in Bangladesh, one katha is equivalent to 0.0338 decimal. This conversion is based on the standard unit of land measurement in Bangladesh, where one decimal is equal to 435.6 square feet. Therefore, one katha is approximately 14.4 square feet.
One katha is a unit of measurement used in South Asia, particularly in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. It is equivalent to 1/20th of a bigha or 720 square feet. Katha is not typically divided into decimal units but is rather used as a whole number.
1760 sqrt fit equal to 1
1650 square feet 1 katha
There are 20 kathas in 200 yards. In some regions, 1 katha is equal to 10 square yards.
1620 SQFT for Siwan ,Gopalganj
There are 1447.8 millimetres to 57 inches to 1 decimal place.
Here we go....... 1 Bigha = 20 katha = 33 decimal 1 katha = 1.65 decimal
These measures of area differ from one part of South Asia to another s a definitive answer is not possible. But a katha (or kotha) equals approx 6.6 decimals.
18 katha
100 dismil
1 katha=66.9 sq. metres 1 katha=720 sft
In Bangladesh, one katha is 720 square feet.
1 Katha in to square feet
1 kattha =1.65 decimal in jharkhand and 1 decimal = 435.6 square feet. So 1 kattha =718.74 square feet in jharkhand.
1 katha = 16 chatak
Around 2000 sq ft
In Bangladesh, one katha is standardized to 720 sq ft area. I assume it remains the same in Jamshedpur?