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Q: In the Navy What does the N in N4 mean?
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(n/(18*6))/n4=(n/108)/n4 ;Multiply 18 and 6(n/108)*(1/n4) ;Multiply by the reciprocal of n4, which is just 1 over n4n/(n4*108) ;The n4 will go in the bottom of the fraction1/(108n3) ;n over n4 will give you 1 over n3

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4n or n4

What is an N 4 in the navy?

The N4 is a directorate, which just means "department," at a Staff command, e.g., "Commander, Seventh Fleet". Navy Staff commands are run by Admirals, however they do not handle typical duties that a Commanding Officer would, such as personnel issues, etc. Instead, there is a Chief-of-Staff, typically an O-6 Captain, who is the Commanding Officer. Under the COS is an Assistant Chief of Staff that leads each directorate. N4 stands for Logistics, or supply department. While N4 represents the department, it also represents the Officer who leads it. So a LCDR who runs N4, could also be referred to as N4. The N4 is a directorate, which just means "department," at a Staff command, e.g., "Commander, Seventh Fleet". Navy Staff commands are run by Admirals, however they do not handle typical duties that a Commanding Officer would, such as personnel issues, etc. Instead, there is a Chief-of-Staff, typically an O-6 Captain, who is the Commanding Officer. Under the COS is an Assistant Chief of Staff that leads each directorate. N4 stands for Logistics, or supply department. While N4 represents the department, it also represents the Officer who leads it. So a LCDR who runs N4, could also be referred to as N4.

What is the product of four and a number?

The product of four and a number would be algebraically written as 4n, or whatever variable equals the number. In this case, n = number. It would not be written n4, nx4, 4xn, 4*n or n*4, although n4 and the ones with stars may be accepted by a teacher.

What does the star above the N mean on the Navy logo?

Just a guess but the Northstar

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12-n4 = 8

What are the factors of n to the twelfth?

The factors of n12 are 1, n, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, and n12

What is the formula for a proportion?

1.What is the formula for a proportionp = n / f2. p = (f / 100) * n3. p = f / n4. p = (f / n) * 100

The product of four consective integers is one less than a perfect square?

Suppose the smallest of the integers is n. Then the product of the four consecutive integers is n*(n+1)*(n+2)*(n+3) =(n2+3n)(n2+3n+2) = n4+6n3+11n2+6n So product +1 = n4+6n3+11n2+6n+1 which can be factorised as follows: n4+3n3+n2 +3n3+9n2+3n + n2+3n+1 =[n2+3n+1]2 Thus, one more that the product of four consecutive integers is a perfect square.

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t(n) = (n4 - 22n3 + 143n2 - 242n + 168)/24, n = 1, 2, 3, ...

Four times the sum of a number and 4?

If you are looking for an algebraic expression then here is the answer:Let the number be N4(N+4) is the expression.

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