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you must take the sign of the bigger number

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Q: In the multiplication signed numbers if the signs are the same the answer is positive?
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Is the quotient of two signed numbers that have opposite signs a positive number or a negative number?


What combination of signed numbers always leads to a negative number?

If you're talking about multiplication or division, then opposite signs will result in a negative number.

The quotient of two negative integers is?

It's a positive number. Here's the rule: In multiplication and division . . . -- If both numbers have the same sign, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is positive. -- If the two numbers have different signs, then the result of multiplying or dividing them is negative.

When multiplying two integer what are the four possible combination of sign how can they be grouped into two integers?

The four possible combinations are:A = (+, +)B = (+, -)C = (-, +) andD = (-, -)In A and D, the two numbers have the same signs and the multiplication gives a positive answer.In B and C, the two numbers have different signs and the multiplication gives a negative answer.

What is the product of two numbers with like signs is a?

rule where the answer will always be positive BECAUSE: Product means you're doing multiplication. positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative

Is the product or the quotinent of two signed numbers that have opposite signs a positive number or a negative number?

The answer will always be Negative in Sign. If they are the same sign, it will always be Positive in Sign.

What operations will always produce a negative number?

Multiplication or division of two numbers of opposite signs: negative*positive, positive*negative, negative/positive, and positive/negative. Addition of two negative numbers: -5 + -2 = -7 Multiplying pure imaginary numbers of the same 'sign' : 5i * 2i = -10. -3i * -4i = -12. Dividing pure imaginary numbers of different signs (this comes from the fact that 1/i = -i, and i/i = +1)

A negative number times a positive number will be either positive or negative depending on the sign of the larger number.?

No, the rule for multiplication is much easier than that. If the two numbers have the same sign, then their product is positive. If they have different signs, then their product is negative.

How are the mnemonic devices LA US and LP UN used in operating signed numbers?

These mnemonic devices were developed by SHERWIN E. BALBUENA, mathematics teacher of Cabitan NHS, Mandaon, Masbate, Philippines", to teach his students with disabilities the rules in operating signed numbers. LA US means "Like signs Add, Unlike signs Subtract". This device lets the student remember the rule in adding signed numbers. LP UN means "Like signs Positive, Unlike signs Negative". This device lets the student recall the rules in finding the product and quotient of two signed numbers.

What is -4 x 6?


When adding two numbers and the signs are positive the sum is what?


What are like and unlike signs?

Like signs: When both numbers are either positive or negative, like: +6 and +4 Unlike signs; When one is either positive or negative, like he nd lo sn.x