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If you're talking about multiplication or division, then opposite signs will result in a negative number.

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Q: What combination of signed numbers always leads to a negative number?
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The product of two numbers with different signs is always a negative?

The product of negative number and a positive number is always a negative. The product of two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, is always a positive.

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Any number, negative or positive, can be expressed as a decimal number. So a negative number can always be expressed as a negative decimal.

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Yes, the product of three negative numbers is always a negative number.

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No, the product of two negative numbers is always a positive.

What combination of signed numbers always leads to a positive number?

If I understand the question correctly, the sum of two positive numbers will *always* yield a positive number. The product of two positive or two negative numbers will always yield a positive number. The division of two positive or two negative numbers will always yield a positive number. There are more examples along this line. I am not sure if this is what you wanted to know.

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The product of all those numbers will always be a negative number.

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Adding two negative numbers always gives a negative number.

Dose a negative number plus a negative number equal a positive number?

No. The sum of two negative numbers will always be a negative number. If, however, you multiply the numbers, their product will be positive.

Does a negative number plus a negative number always a positive?

No. Adding two negative numbers will give a number which is more negative.

What will be the sign of the product if we multiply together 199 negative numbers and 10 positive numbers?

If ever you have an odd number of negative numbers, the product will always be a negative number. So the answer to this question is negative.

When you multiply a negative number by a negative number is the number positive or negative?

Positive A simple rule to remember this is when multiplying two numbers with the same sign, the result is ALWAYS positive. When multiplying two numbers with different signs, the results is ALWAYS negative.

What does the - sign mean before a number?

It means that the number is negative. Negative numbers are always under 0.