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The term 'Customer' tends to refer to a one-off business transaction usually in a retail situation. 'Client' tends to refer to a regular customer using a professional service: a customer buys a book about Law, a client employs the services of a lawyer. Dentists have clients, shopkeepers have customers.

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Q: In what possible ways would a client be different from a customer?
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How would you convince a customer to become a client of there bank?

To convince a customer to be a client of your bank, spell clearly the benefits of the program to the customer.

Do the words Client and customer have similar or contradictory meanings?

Client and customer are synonyms, and have similar meanings, although there are cases (e.g. someone hiring a lawyer) where one would have to be used instead of the other.

How would you deal with an angry client customer?

stick his or her mouth full of dildos 8=======D

What are the steps to gown a client in salon services?

To gown a client in a salon, you first need to ask the customer if they would like a gown on. You then need to pull their hair up (if needed) and fasten the gown on them.

Why do you think you would be successful at customer service?

because we have all the inputs to delivered best possible outcome as er customer needs.

What is a person who uses the services of a professional person?

It depends on what type of professional services. For medical services, the person is a patient or consumer. For mental health services, the person might be called a client or consumer. For other professional services, such as from a house painter, the person who hired the worker is called a customer.

What would you do if you believed another worker was not behaving in an ethical way to a client?

Customer service is the penultimate connection between a business and its client(s). If I were to witness unprofessionalism between a co-worker and a client, I would immediately (1) step in to see if there was any way I might be able to help, and (2) also then inform the co-worker's immediate supervisor.

If you have client in a different location and want to access that client from server - What is the best way to access that client from server?

Is this a lan or a wan network. Is the client on a different subnet of the network? You could even be talking about a client connected through VPN here... ok, be a bit more specific.Want to access the client. Would RDP not be the obvious thing..?? You could set the client up to accept incoming connections. You could do a java script that would allow you to just log in and take control of the machine. Be more specific about the network and what sort of access you want.

How would you handle clients demand?

A clients demand should be handled as quickly as possible. Any business wants their clients to be happy. Take care of any client demands and a client will be satisfied.

Where would you get relevant information given by a client?

The answer is in your question "given by a client" - that means from the client.

What are the example of web - based application?

As an example, suppose a travel agent wanted customers to be able to identify desired destinations and dates of travel, at which time the agent would present the customer with a customized Web page containing only the information pertinent to that customer's needs. In this case the travel agent's website would first provide a Web page that presented a customer with the available destinations. On the basis of this information, the customer would specify the destinations of interest and desired dates of travel (a client-side activity). Another example occurs when using the services of a search engine. In this case a user at the client specifies a topic of interest (a client-side activity) which is then transferred to the search engine where a customized Web page identifying documents of possible interest is constructed (a server-side activity) and sent back to the client.

What does it mean for someone to have an excellent call from a customer?

In the Customer Service field, there can be many different kinds of excellent calls. Typically, an excellent call would be one in which a great rapport was developed with the customer.